
在线德州扑克 在线德州扑克


物信讲坛第一百二十七讲:“VR Delivery in Mobile-Edge Empowered Dual-Connectivity Sub-6 GHz”

信息来源: 发布日期:2022-05-18

主讲人:卢汉成 教授

地点:在线德州扑克 思源厅

开始时间:2022-05-20 09:00:00

报告人简介:卢汉成,男,中国科学技术大学信息科学技术学院副教授、博生生导师,合肥综合性国家科学中心人工智能研究院研究员,IEEE高级会员,入选微软亚洲研究院“访问青年教师计划”,美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校访问学者,主要研究方向包括多媒体通信、无线边缘网络、未来网络体系架构与协议等,在IEEE汇刊和IEEE INFOCOM等会议上发表论文50多篇,获得IEEEE GLOBECOM 2021、WCSP 2019、WCSP 2016最佳论文奖。

报告内容简介:The reliability of current virtual reality (VR) delivery is low due to the limited resources on VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) and the transmission rate bottleneck of sub-6 GHz networks. In this talk, we propose a dual-connectivity sub-6 GHz and mmWave heterogeneous network architecture empowered by mobile edge capability. The core idea of the proposed architecture is to utilize the complementary advantages of sub-6 GHz links and mmWave links to conduct a collaborative edge resource design, which aims to improve the reliability of VR delivery. From the perspective of stochastic geometry, we analyze the reliability of VR delivery and theoretically demonstrate that sub-6 GHz links can be used to enhance the reliability of VR delivery despite the large mmWave bandwidth. Based on our analytical work, we formulate a joint caching and computing optimization problem with the goal to maximize the reliability of VR delivery. By analyzing the coupling caching and computing strategies at HMDs, sub-6 GHz and mmWave base stations (BSs), we further transform the problem into a multiple-choice multi-dimension knapsack problem. A best-first branch and bound algorithm and a difference of convex programming algorithm are proposed to obtain the optimal and sub-optimal solution, respectively. Numerical simulations demonstrate the performance improvement using the proposed algorithms, and reveal that caching more monocular videos at sub-6 GHz BSs and more stereoscopic videos at mmWave BSs can improve the VR delivery reliability efficiently.

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